Monday 31 August 2009

Why the release of the Lockerbie bomber was the right decision

The release of the Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, is now a decision surrounded in controversy. The scenes upon his return home were disappointing as they were unsurprising. The political wranglings that led up to this decision are not yet fully known. These issues threaten to taint what was a brave and righteous decision.

al-Megrahi was and is an evil man who now represents no threat to anybody. He has returned home to die, and while these things can never be predicted exactly it is likely that this will happen in the next month. Many justice systems around the world don't have the ability to make mercy decisions, the Scottish system does however. And, the decision taken by the Justice Secretary, backed by Nelson Mandela, to free this man on compasionate grounds was the right one.

Common humanity dictates that a dying man should be allowed to die with his family. This is not a curtosy that al-Megrahi showed to his victims, but why should this be a reason for us to lower our standards? The western world should seek where possible to be just, forgiving and not vengeful. We should seek to set the moral compass.

Those who say that he should have been released only in a coffin, are most likely the same people who support the death penalty. Those who say that this will give comfort to terrorists, are the same as those that believe the death penalty is a deterrent to murder.

This man was given a fair trial, served a just sentence for an awful crime and now has been shown great compassion by the Scottish justice system. Let this be an example to the vengeful world.