Monday 21 September 2009

The Best and The Brightest?

Are politicians really as stupid as they sometimes seem?

Take three silly examples from the last ten days:

Cameron, in his weekly attempt to put the world to rights from the podium, announces that there will be no free lunches for MP's. Saving the tax payer millions! At a time when UK national debt is heading to 1 Trillion (and beyond) this must be a piece of political satire, surely?

In the midst of attempts to grab the headlines Clegg had the opportunity to be seen to be rising above it. To show himself as a level headed leader prepared to put well thought policy before publicity. But no, the cameras were there and the chance to get the main headline spot on the News at 10 was too much: "Savage Cuts" was the soundbite, and the response was as expected.

Ed Balls then decides to play his trump card: 2 Billion of savings from the top of the teaching profession. It appears that the teaching unions were not consulted on this knee jerk policy announcement - the Tories didn't need to criticise, the NUS would do it for them.

Where have the great statesmen and women gone? Why have policy announcements from Sunday morning TV sofas replaced announcements from the dispatch box? Why do the best and the brightest of all parties get sidelined for cheap hacks that are prepared to tow an ill-thought party line?