Monday 16 March 2009

50p a Unit

Throughout the UK this weekend alcohol will be the bringer of merriment after a long and increasingly hard week. Many, including myself, will use it to relax, wind down and allow the company of their colleagues to be vaguely tolerable. Others will use it to compliment a nice meal, and some to celebrate.

However, for others it will be the start of a week long, semi-conscious, binge. Tempers will be lost, fist and bottles thrown and streets will become no go areas. For some the results of this binge may mean a drunken husband looking to take his aggression out on someone. While for others a parent who is incapable of caring for them. And the cost of a weekend of heavy drinking in the UK - you can get change from £10.

With this in mind I find it surprising that the Prime Minister has positioned himself to quickly dismiss the report to be published on Tuesday by the chief medical officer recommending, among other things, a minimum price on a unit of alcohol. Brown has said that he doesn't want to punish the majority for the sins of a few; he doesn't want sensible drinkers to pay through the nose for pint. This is either a very thin veil of ignorance, or some ill thought political cover. A strong pint of premium ale would need to cost no more than £1.50 and a good bottle of wine £4.50. Now you tell me where can you get either of these at these prices these days.

However, this lower limit would mean that those aiming for a state of alcohol induced stupidity would have to spend a fair bit more getting there: the 2 litre of Lambrini would now cost considerably more and can of Stella would be £1. On the basis that most consumer behaviour can be explained on the balance of want vs cost, this would be set to have a powerful effect. But don't take my word for it - tomorrow the leading thinker in his field will say the same and the Prime Minister will canvass for votes by saying "no, not now".