Tuesday 24 March 2009

The Pope in Africa - not just a public relations disaster

It was unsurprising this week that some inside the Vatican were privately saying the current pope has been a public relations disaster for the Catholic Church. But, his comments while on his tour of Africa could spell disaster in a very different way.

His quote "HIV/Aids is a tragedy that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which can even increase the problem" has potentially horrific consequences. This quote goes further than the normal line that "abstinence is best". It says that condoms can increase the problem; increase the spread of disease. This is so far from the truth it boarders on criminal negligence. In sub-Saharan Africa 22 million are infected with the disease and 17% of people are Catholics. Both figures are increasing by the day. For the Catholic Church Africa is a region where it has great influence. Therefore, it is breathtaking that the pope can make a such a scientifically naive comment while during his visit.

The scientific evidence is clear: the only workable way to prevent the spread of this disease is barrier contraception. Abstinence doesn't work, it never has. This is especially true in areas of great hardship and poverty. In making comments like the one above the Pope, and the Catholic Church as a whole, are making a grave mistake. A mistake that is likely to lead to the needless death of people who follow their advice.